
Joining the Air Force, Will I ever see my boyfriend?

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I have been considering joining the Air Force for a long time. Recently, due to the stresses in the economy my job is hard to come by (I work in the mortgage industry) and I have been out of work for 6 months.

My boyfriend, whom I have been with for 5 years and lived with for 1.5 years, works a nearly dead end job, he doesn't love the idea about me joining, but will support me, however is says he is not ready to get married.

I would be joining the Air Force as a single women.

Would I ever have the chance to see him?

Could a relationship survive something like this?

Did your relationship survive something like this?

PLEASE only answer my questions, negative comments not relevant to my question are NOT appreciated.




  1. To answer your question, yeah you'll see each other.  Alot of Air Force jobs are just like civilian jobs just on base.  You obviously won't see him while you're in basic training and tech school but once you get to your permanent duty assignment he can see you all the time.  Just put the five closes bases to you and don't put overseas as your first duty assignment.  And if, like you said, he has a dead end job maybe he'll find something on or near base that is alot better.

  2. Yes you will see him, but the question on if your relationship will survive or not just depends on you two. How strong is it, what are the reasons he doesn't want to get married, if you really love each other and faithful then you wont have a problem or at least any major problems. But if your doubting it now, then i think your going to have some tough times, but not saying that it wont work.  

  3. It will be difficult to maintain your current relationship because you will be separated a lot and you will also meet many other guys. If you don't have plans for marriage then it probably won't work.  

  4. Ok so i just wrote a huge answer... and the page froze so I'm going to give you the short version. yes a relation ship can withstand anything... depending on how hard each party wants to work. you may do anything in the world and he may not want to. just depends. now on the other hand. the air force is not hard up for people so it may be hard to get in. and your ship date may not be close. also if you go in as an e-1 as a single women you will only get paid 1240 a month for the first 4 months. after the first 4 months you'll get something like 1380. they will not pay for you to live off base ( no BAH basic housing allowance) so you will have to pay out of pocket from you r 1380 a place to live b/c ur boyfriend is not allowed to live on base. And you will also have to come up with the money for him to travel to see you. They will not pay to ship his stuff and will not pay for his ticket. I joined in june and leave in feb for basic, i'm married and i think that all these extra perks you get for being so help out a lot. so all in all can it be done... yes. Is it easy..... no


    Seriosuly, I know you have wanted to for a while. Go ahead and do it. It could be up to a year wait to go to bmt anyway. The details will work themselves out.

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