
Joining the Marines?

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I was thinking about joining right out of high school. or i might go to college that has ROTC and becoming a LT right after i graduate.what should i do. also what is the salary of a enlisted marine. whats the salary of an LT marine?




  1. around $2,000 a month for begging enlisted with free food, shelter, gas, electricity, water and health care, officer i'm not sure  all of the benefits nicer housing and more then $6,000 a month

  2. OH man, go with officers pay SO MUCH BETTER.

    My dad retired an E6 (not senior enlisted) after being in 20 years (he got boned because of his MOS)

    Anyway, do everything you can to go to college first, officers get amazing pay and treated like gods.  It also depends on what you want to do though.

  3. If you can get into college without paying a dime go ahead and do that.  If not you can take advantage of programs in the military that will allow you to be an officer without getting a degree.

    Here's a paychart to give you an idea

  4. The official pay chart can be found at and it goes by a monthly basis.  Keep in mind it is far more difficult to become a commissioned officer than it is to be an enlisted marine.  on top of that you cannot become commissioned in any branch of service without having a degree.  if you are up to the challenge and are in excellent physical shape as in getting at least 15 pull ups and an 18 minute 3 mile run time and being a superb leader, go commissioned.
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