
Joining the army? but what to go for

by  |  earlier

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im not sure weather to join royal signals as an electrican or REME as a joiner. wich one am i more likley to get closer to combat in. more hands on and more activities etcc.. thanks




  1. Have a good look into them both, and possibly discuss it with an army careers advisor.  Remember that REME is not a regiment in its own right, and can be posted with any other, so you may see more combat if you join this and are posted with the artillery or something.  Good luck, and good for you for joining!

  2. to get close to combat you need to join the infantry but take my advice and join a corps that will learn you a trade you want a trade under your belt when you leave i was in the army as a chef and i left about 15 years ago now and am still doing the same job

  3. If you haven't decided yet, then think what your ambition was when you were younger.

    Chances are - the Army will be able to provide you with the right training (along with good pay) for that future job when you re-enter civvy street.

    Besides you'll have a whale-of-a-time !!

  4. signals most likely to got closer to action but you never know.

  5. Join the infantry.

  6. GO speak to an Army recruitment office and discuss it with them. They will be in a far better position to offer PROPER asvice than asking people here.

    Always talk to the organ grinder NOT the monkey

  7. you will see all sorts of things/combat in either the REME or SIGNALS

    and its not just the infantry that do front line combat, I ve been in RTR for 8 years now and on telic 1 the WAR and our tank broke the REME came and recoverd us while we were in contact, also on telic 10 i got attached to  the infantry to be a dismounted commander because they did not have enoth NCO's we as tankies also went out in WARRIOR and done and infantry role, so to say the infantry are the only front line troops is wrong dont forget the medics who heve to go and get them aswell also i have a relative in the sygnals whos woked with uk and us SF in Afgan hope i helped

  8. Going infantry will get as close as possible to combat if that's what you are looking for. Especially if you agree to go to Ft.Stewart Georgia into 3rd ID. They are the most deployed unit in the army

  9. why not go onto the army website and do a live chat with them, or go see them face to face at a recruiting office? they are the people who can give you the best answers and hopefully help with your question :)

  10. I'm certain any role in the Army will get you close to combat. Hope you manage to dodge the shots aimed at you. Good luck

  11. To meet new people and kill them!

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