
Joining the army its thursday i did 1 line of coke and inhaled some crack will i fail my UA next thursday?

by  |  earlier

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1 line of coke about 4 inhales of crack how long till clean ua?




  1. it takes three days to get out of your system,,,,try pot wont kill you or make you insane!i used it to get off meth!it works!

  2. I hope you do!!!

  3. Why would you even do that to yourself! Yes you'll fail it.

  4. LOL OMG and your joining the army? your going to get another soldier killed! It isn't a party you know, how pathetic to do drugs. Just come clean and hopefully they will discharge you from any obligation because you are not worth serving this country.

  5. For the Armies and this country's sake I hope you don't pass, but you probably will.

    However this kind of behavior may catch up with you and then you may end up getting court martialed later on or even sent to military prison if you are caught possessing or dealing!

    You need to clean up your act brother before you even think of taking on this serious a job!

    Good luck and God bless.

  6. Actually, drug tests are targeted at the least harmful "drug" of all, Marijuana. Most cocaine, exctacy, crack, and such are out of your system in 3 days. Although this is very unfortunate, for people using these hard drugs deserve to fail more than a peaceful pothead.

    Why did I get 2 thumbs down? All I did was provide a fact.

  7. more than likely, gee good to know druggies are protecting the country


  9. For the army's sake it would be better if you failed. If this happens and you still want to join up, get a grip on yourself and try again once you are clean. Remember that only druggies think other druggies are clever.

  10. You will fail the drug don't deserve to be allowed in the Army.

  11. Wow I would just like to say you are a F****n dumbass.  If you want to pass a UA then go to GNC or your local vitamin store and by a product called Q-Carbo.  Follow the instructions carefully and you WILL pass.  Trust me I worked in a vitamin shoppe for a couple of years and sold this stuff to plenty of crack heads looking to pass a UA for their Parole Officer and none of them went back for drug use.

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