
Joining the navy after high school?

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I'm thinking of joining the navy after high school. right now I am going into my senior year and I have just barely turned 17. I am a U.S. citizen but currently I live in Saudi Arabia due to my fathers job. However I go to an American School so when I graduate this coming June I will have a U.S. High School Diploma. At this point I'm not really sure what I want to do with my life so I'm considering joining the military. After looking at each branch the Navy looks like it would be my best option. Could anyone give me some advice on joining the military right after High School?




  1. I joined the Navy while I was a senior.

    The best thing that I ever did.

  2. I joined the Navy after high school because I didn't know what I wanted either and I wasn't ready or mature enough for more school. I became an Aircrew Rescue Swimmer (very tough) and served in the first Gulf War.

    I had a blast, dated a lot of pretty girls, got much needed discipline, made friends for life, saved some money, got free college, bought my first house with a VA loan and learned that I can handle anything. I also carry the pride that I served my country.

    I got out after my tour (five years for me) went to college, got married, and I am a police detective at a great police department. I have a big house (VA loan) and wouldn't change a thing.

    Joining the military is a serious decision and should not be made lightly, esp. nowadays. There were times that were tough and scary. I spent some holidays on an aircraft carrier or in a foreign land. I didn't really learn a skill, but I didn't join for a skill, I wanted adventure and I felt it was my duty as a citizen.

    I personally believe that every able bodied American should choose military service, it's one of the few ways to serve your nation, not individuals or a community...the whole nation. I feel that military service is the greatest expression of citizenship because without the military there would be no body politic.

    Long ago, in some ancient republics, military service was a requirement before you were considered a full voting citizen, maybe that's the way it should be, instead of demanding hand outs without giving back.

    Anyway, make sure you know what specialty you want before you speak to a recruiter, because they will steer you towards what needs to be filled. Make sure you know what your specialty will entail. Some, like nuclear power school and electronics tech require a six year enlistment, but come with bonus money and instant promotions.

    Lastly, know your limits, don't sign up to be a Navy SEAL, EOD Diver, or Rescue Swimmer if you are afraid of heights or guns, not a strong swimmer and can't run at least 15 miles, if you do and fail, they will have you swabbing decks for your enlistment. They will let you know what you qualify for based on how you do on the aptitude test, security clearance etc. Know your goals, know your limits and sign up with a plan.

    Good luck and someday maybe I will call you "shipmate" (brother sailor)

  3. I know exactly who may help you. There are retired and active sailors at and they know exactly what to do, papers to file if any etc for you. Go there.

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