
Joint Custody?

by Guest45316  |  earlier

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My sister is 5 months pregnant with her ex -boyfriend baby. They took an early DNA test and he was proven to be the father of thier baby. He keeps threating her with joint custody because she will be going to University of Geogia in a few months after she . He dosen't want her to go to Geogia to go to school. Can he do that?




  1. Actually depends on the state they are in.  In some states no one has custody until it is established in court.  Meaning that just because she gave birth, she has no more rights to the child than he does because it took two to make the child.  

    In most states, the mother is the custodial parent by default if you are unmarried.  He will most likely have to take her to court for joint custody.  He could get joint custody or he could get visitation rights.  It really depends on the judge but the judge may tell her that she can't move without the father's permission because that will violate his visitation rights.  

    It's a sticky situation and although she has a right to education, she can get one doesn't have to be Georgia.  There are lots of ways a judge can look at this.  Your sister needs to speak with a lawyer or at least legal aid and find out her rights.  The last thing she needs is to have the baby, take the baby across state lines and then have the father say that she kidnapped the baby.  It can all get nasty.  Tell her to make sure she knows where she stands before the baby is born.

  2. nope, unless he petitions the courts to make her stay..

  3. No he can't.

    She has a right to pursue her education but he has a right to see his child.

    Joint custody isn't a threat. It's the norm.

  4. No,They need to go to court  for him to get joint custody.
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