Hello, I am the proud owner of an early/mid 1990s era Richard Chudy (RC3) cue that is entertaining the idea of buying a Southwest Cue. I am very much interested in getting a cue that will be interchangeable in terms of shafts. I was told by pool colleagues that both the Chudy and Southwest cues share the same size pin; some preliminary research indicated that they use an unconventional 3/8 - 11 pitch pin, but other postings on the Internet indicated otherwise.
So, some of my questions are the following:
(1) Is my information correct (i.e. they are both 3/8 by 11)?
(2) Are Chudy and Southwest shafts cross-compatible?
(3) If they are not compatible, what other cuemakers make cues that have compatible joints/pins with my Chudy cue?
Thanks in advance for your help. Any info would be appreciated, including leads that I can research further. It doesn’t have to be the definitive answer. Even a partial answer is appreciated!