
Joke : Guardian Angel?

by  |  earlier

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A man is walking down the street and he hears in his head. "Stop! If you take one more step you will die!"

The man stops and a brick lands at his feet.

He keeps walking not watching where he was going and the voice says again.

"Stop! If you take one more step you will Regret it for the rest of your life!" The man stops and a lorry comes roaring by almost hitting him.

He thinks to himself "Who is telling me this?" The voice answers

"You won't believe this but, I am your Guardian Angel and I am here to protect you." The man thinks to himself

"Where the h**l were you on my Wedding Day?"




  1. haha good one

  2. This one has started my day off really well!

    Thank you.

  3. Hahaha!!! lmao, that's one thing he does regret, lol
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