
Joke: If you had the chance to kill one of your most hated, HOW would you kill him?

by  |  earlier

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I really need it to threaten a person...

(the one that gives the most gruesome idea gets the prize)




  1. chop of limbs toss to mid ocean

    hang by arms, sandwich his lower half, chop off the arms

    skinned and put salt on wound

    pull out teeth, poke out eye balls, cut off genitals (guy) suffocate him

    your choice, mix and match w/e

  2. The Blood Eagle.

  3. I will kill him with words only, I know that every individual has a conscience. so if he will try to make me angry, I will kill him with words of wisdom.

  4. Well, I would cut his p***s off, then make him eat it. The I would torture him for a while, then strangle him.

  5. Impale them.

  6. Stick them in a room with blonde's .. hahaha.

    Sorry if thats mean ..

  7. make him read all the goofy questions on Y A

  8. I would chop of their fingers Then i would chop their toes off one... by... one. Then i would slit their wrists and then from ear to ear.

      I would prolong it just to watch them suffer from the pain.

    then after their dead i would decapitate then and hang their head on a mantle.

    P.S. yea i have issues like that lol <3

  9. Did you see The Dark Knight? Anyway at one point in the movie Heath Ledger's joker says that when he was a kid his father was a drunk and one night he came home and he was worse than others and he put a knife to his mother while he was cackling madly and he turned around to him (Heath Ledger) and then he said "Why so serious?"

    Here's comes the thing to threaten the person with -

    Then he stuck the blade in his mouth and said "Let's put a smile on that face!"

  10. Kill him with love. And I'll send you one John Mccain videos (joke)

  11. I don't hate anyone, mom says i can't hate. So I just dislike them. ^_^

    I would be studying on the medinicine and stuff then I would create a new poison that anyone can't find or cure with modern tech or anything so you would think someone died of a heart attack but really, that person was murdered, at least he suffers and learned his own lesson, mwahaha. >D

  12. Send some mean dogs after them, and while they are running from the dogs, shoot them in the knee caps. Haha.

  13. I will kill them the most inhumane way i can, by feeding them to the ants then burn their fingers with a flame thrower one by one, then i park a truck over their bodies then i put all the oil on them, then i tie them to a chair, I will pull his or her nose hair one by one, then i shave him or her bald. then i cut lightly on their necks so then it bleeds. after that i burn them with the oil from the truck. when the bodies dies i just put it in a boot of a car then i blew up the car, then i feed the ashes to the dogs then i burn the p**p. The End that is how i kill the most hated people.

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