
Joke : Interesting excuses for speeding..can I have some stars..??

by  |  earlier

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Kitsap County , Washington , had begun to crack down on speeding motorists. Here's a list of some answers they received when they asked the drivers why they were speeding:

* My gas petal got stuck.

* Don't I get a couple miles per hour over when I'm taking my grandchildren to the airport?

* I didn't know I was speeding because my lights were off.

* My speedometer is broken.

* I had a bee in my car.

* I've been drinking and I wanted to get off the road quickly.

* I am driving my friend to the hospital. He has alcohol poisoning. (The driver was also found to be intoxicated.)

* (After crashing) I put high test gas in my car and it caused me to lose control. (He was also found to be intoxicated.)

* I'm trying to catch that UFO. Will you try to catch it for me?

* I get 10 extra miles per hour in the fast lane.

* I'm wearing shoes that are really heavy and they make the gas petal go down more.

* My doctor gave me the wrong medication.

* I'm headed to a divorce proceeding and if you met her, sir, you would understand why I'm in a hurry.

* I just got my license back after having it suspended and I'm not used to driving.




  1. hmmm i think few of them would be handy for me~~!!!!!!!!!!!

  2.   hey , I've said some of those before  

    have a star

  3. How about "I need to get to a bathroom quick officer"!

  4. lol

    People are really stupid sometimes!

  5. How about I gotta pee or p**p?

    Wasnt used?

  6. lol i like the ufo one

  7. I'm late for my wedding...

    My wife is giving birth to our first child...

  8. lol pplz can be stupid

    answer mine plz;...

  9. lol i love things like those

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