
Joke! Star if you like!

by  |  earlier

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A duck waddles into a bar and hops on a stool. The bartender, irritated, says, "What'll you have?"

The duck says, "Got any pickles?"

The bartender spits and says "We don't have pickles here, We serve drinks. Now get out!"

The duck hops off the stool and waddles out.

The next day, the same duck waddles into the same bar, hops on a stool, looks the bartender in the eye and asks, "Got any pickles?"

The bartender, irritated, says, "I told you yesterday we don't serve pickles here, we serve drinks, now GET OUT!"

The duck hops off the stool and waddles out.

The next days the same duck waddles into the same bar and hops on a stool, looks at the bartender, and asks: "Got any pickles?"

The bartender, infuriated, POUNDS his fist on the bar and yells at the duck. "I told you two times we don't serve pickles here, we serve drinks! If you ask me ONE MORE TIME, I'm going to nail your beak to the bar! NOW GET OUT!"

With that the duck shrugged, hopped off the stool, and waddled out.

The next day, the same duck waddled into the same bar, hopped on a stool, looked the bartender in the eye and asked: "Got any nails?"

The bartender, puzzled, said "No."

The duck then looked him square in the eye and said, "Got any pickles?"




  1. No star awarded. I barely cracked a slight grin.


  2. it was OKAY.

  3. lol, that was a good one.

  4. ha lol.

    Took me a bit but i got it.

    made me smile

  5. haha at first i was like what?

    and then i got it! : )

  6. it sounds like an other joke i read be for.

    but the words are different.not so funny.

  7. ROFL - hahahaha!

  8. i giggled so you get a star

  9. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... lmbo

  10. Old

  11. I like it hahahahahahahaha

  12. ha..

    this made me

  13. I love this joke

  14. Lol.

    It wasn't that good but made me smile :)


  15. Heard It Before

  16. WOW!  That’s terrific!  Deliciously humorous!!!.

  17. LOL wow that duck must really like messing with people.  

  18. hahah love's a star

  19. I haven't heard this one.. Really funny.

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