
Joke - Two West Virginians

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Two West Virginians are walking down different ends of a street toward each other and one is carrying a sack. When they meet, one says, "Hey, Tommy Ray, what'cha got in th' bag?"

"Jus' some chickens."

"If I guess how many there are, can I have one?"

"I'll give you both of them."

"OK. Ummmmm......, five?"




  1. That's so bad it's strangely good...!!Thanks for the giggle :-)

  2. rotflol, Are you sure that they were not from Alabama? lol

  3. OMG, how dumb can you possibly be. LOL

    Good Luck!

  4. hey your making fun of me  

  5. hahah not hard sweet judy, no he didn't get the number right cuz both is two!

  6. My family is from West Virginia...Haha.

  7. its ok

  8. lol cute

  9. lol. wow you could make that a blonde joke and nobody would know the difference.

  10. Lmao. thanks Mako, I could do with a laugh.

  11. you still havent said how many chickens there are

  12. Now I know it's late. I'm just cracking up all over the place.

  13. LMAO......I love this..............short...but so funny♥

    P.S.            did he guess the right number of Chickens?   lol

  14. I totally know those guys.  My mom wants me to date one!!

  15. This joke only works because they are from West Virginia!

    Very funny though.

  16. lmao . :D

  17. I thought that was an Alabama joke!

    Very funny!  :-D

  18. I chuckled when I read this and rolled when I read Sweet Judy's answer.


  19. heard that when i was like 10 :)

  20. lol, good one.

  21. ive been to west viriginia n huntington n charleston has more gangsters n drug dealers than red necks

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