
Joke> Have you heard about the drunk and his missing car?

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STOLEN CAR A drunk walks out of a bar with a key in his hand and he is stumbling

Back and forth. A cop on the beat sees him and approaches,

"Can I help you Sir?"

"Yessh! Ssssomebody ssstole my carrr", the man replies.

The cop asks, "Where was your car the last time you saw it?"

"It wasss on the end of thisshh key", the man replies.

About that time the cop looks down and sees the man's wiener hanging

Out of his fly for all the world to see.

He asks the man, "Sir are you aware that you are exposing yourself?"

Momentarily confused, the drunk looks down at his crotch and without

Missing a beat, blurts out....

"Holy s**t! My girlfriend's gone, too!!




  1. Now that was a funny joke, thanks for the laugh so early this morning.

  2. I don't get it please explain..  

  3. first laugh of the day. i needed it. your jokes are always the best.

  4. very funny kitty

  5. Good one. star for u.

  6. That was funny, have a star.

  7. lmao rotflol

  8. Really made me laugh out loud. THANKS

  9. LOL  Good one.  Here is a star and a thumbs up for everyone above me who liked it.

  10. LOL, ROFL, always, thanks for the great laugh, Kitty!♥

  11. LOL

  12. LOL   very funny

  13. i think this joke is disgusting....i feel shocked and violated...this ..kitty person should be banned..and her so called joke be removed at once......seamanab x

  14. hahahehe

  15. hahahahaha :P

  16. HA HA HA


  17. haha perverted but still histerical...haha lol

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