
Joke joke joke...this is funny

by  |  earlier

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a man and his wife are very old in there 80s. they r having trouble remembering stuff so they go to the doctor. the man says " sir my wife and i are having troubles with our memorys. Can you help us?" the doctor says "i suggest you write stuff down so if you forget it you have it written down" they take the idea thank the doctor and go home. Later that night the man turns to his wife and says im going to the kitchen do u want anything?" the woman says "yea id like a bowl of vanilla ice cream" he says ok and walks towards the stairs. The woman says "hey write it down so u wont forget it" the man says "i can remember vanilla ice cream" "wait" says the wife " id like whipped cream and a cherry" "ok" the man says and keeps walking. the wife says "u should write this down, ur gunna forget" the man turns to her and say i wont forget i can remember vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and a cherry" "oh" the wife says " id also like some rainbow sprinkles on that too" the man continues towards the steps the wife says "u should write this down so u dont forget" "i wont forget vanilla ice cream with whipped cream a cherry and rainbow sprinkles" so he heads for the kitchen...after being gone for a hour he returns and hands his wife a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. she says " i knew u would forget...u forgot the toast"




  1. my answer it's awesome and totally star for your jokes

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