
Jokes, I am just curious do you know any that are....?

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Do you know any "straight" jokes? Like so many straight guys have g*y jokes that pay out on us and stupid stereotypes. Well do we have any to dish out about them between ourselves?

I know that it's immature, and I really doubt I would, it is more to satisfy my curiosity. Thanks.




  1. LOL im not against straight people i was told this by a straight friend trying to cheer me up after some serious g*y bashing

    What do you get when you cross a straight man and a straight woman?

    3 kids a mistress and 2 divorce lawyers  

  2. Two wrongs NEVER make one right!!  :@)

    EDIT:  U may think that, but all you're saying is "Hey guys, it's okay to sink to this level.  Look, I can do it too!!!"

  3. Courtesy of Rick and Steve...

    Q: Why did the heterosexual cross the road?

    A: It was only once in college and I was really really drunk.

    Q: How many heterosexuals does it take to s***w in a light bulb?

    A: Just two, but the bulb explodes after thirty seconds and the socket never gets its switch turned on.

    If straight men are from Mars, and straight women are from Venus, who's from Earth?

    Q: What do you call 5 heteros in a septic tank?

    A: A straight flush

    Q: What's straight and sexually satisfied?

    A: Nothing.

    Q: What do you get when you put a hetero in a meat grinder?

    A: Breeding Grounds

    Q: How is a straight guy like tofu?

    A: It's squishy, unattractive, and it has no taste.

    Two straight guys walk into a bar.... But don't get the wrong idea.

    Q: What do you get when you cross a straight man and a straight woman?

    A: Three kids, a mistress and two divorce lawyers.

    Q: What kind of clothes do heteros look best in?

    A: Straight Jackets.

    Rick and Steve are hilarious...

  4. Some of the best jokes come from real life, as is the case in Virginia where the state felt it was necessary to put up roadside billboards reminding straight men that having s*x with underage girls was a big no no.  True story. Virginia is for lovers, LOL.

  5. nope. cant say that i do.  

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