
Jon Jones is furious over critics’ reaction – UFC News

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Jon Jones is furious over critics’ reaction – UFC News
Jon Jones, the current UFC light heavyweight champion, was arrested earlier this month for DUI (driving under influence) charges. Jones initially resisted but now he has finally accepted the charges and has pleaded guilty.
Jones had hit a telephone phone while driving his 2012 Bentley. Since the time he was arrested, Jones denied being under influence. However, earlier this week, on Monday, the light heavyweight champion finally admitted that he was indeed high. Jones pleaded
guilty in a Binghamton New York courtroom on Monday. For now, there is nothing for sure as to what punishment the UFC fighter will face. Since there has been no serious injuries to pedestrians or anyone else, chances are that Jones will be fined for cash and
nothing else.
Although he has pleaded guilty, Jones believes critics and fans do not have the right to judge him. He had admitted his charge on Facebook and Twitter as well, which was followed up by a lot of negativity from fans and critics. When asked about the situation,
Jones said, “Man I haven't added anyone new to my Facebook page in like three years and right now I'm so glad that I haven't. It has literally been sickening to have so many people try to kick me while I'm down. At the same time, I totally understand, I gave
them the leeway to. I screwed up, big time.”
But, Jones also made a mark to appreciate his fans and their support through his Facebook message by saying, “Always having to deal with so many critics, haters and fickle mma fans, I almost forgot how strong of a home base I had (607 and people that knew
me before I was a champion fighter).”
He added that there is a lot more to come from the critics from now on but he wanted his fans to know that they have really made him feel better.
Jones is currently the UFC light heavyweight champion and the face of the organisation. Due to his enormous popularity, the UFC has officially sponsored him in several fights. He is the only fighter in the organisation to be ever sponsored by them.



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