
Jonah needs YOU.................?

by  |  earlier

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i've been given an art project for the start of my foundation in art&design, the theme we have been given is 'introducing'. the project is a supposed to be a way of introducing ourselves to everyone, part of the rationale reads

"This project gives you the opportunity to control how others 'read' you, depending on what you divulge or conceal... You can exaggerate, if you think you are boring, you can lie!"

i'm suffering a bit from artists block, and i think it's because there is so much freedom here and i'm scared that because it is so broad - i am taking it too literally and not doing what they want to see.

i have to do a sketchbook of research, drawings, photos etc etc relating to the theme and then come up with a final piece which could be anything from a painting, a garment, a film, a piece of furniture!, a series of photographs or just a painting.

any help is very welcome, thanks




  1. Use paint to make print of parts of your naked body and hang them up so the highest is at the top working down be a bit arty about it and title it something like , This is me for all to see .  

  2. okay erm, i did a similar project although mine was self portraiture but ill give you some of the things i did which could be relevant to yours

    -do a research sheet of things which interest you/you like e.c.t

    - do some drawings of those things, i also drew some self portraits

    - mine had to include research on other artists work, i did andy warhol (pop art) and peter blake (i think thats his name) he has done a piece called origins of pop III (or something similar sorry?) and picasso

    -for my final piece i did 2 canvas's. on each was a portrait of myself - one in pop art style the other in picasso. ( i just used acrylics)

    -in the background i had painted the things that i had drawn from earliers

    hope this helps!

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