
Jonas Brother fans? And non fans help, too?

by  |  earlier

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Do the fans lose their sense of humor when they become fans, or is it something that fans just do not have to begin with? I am just curious, because many questions in here are posted in jest, and you fans get all bent out of shape because we are 'disrespecting' your boys. Comments please




  1. If u dont like the jb or the fans then stop asking questions about it and move on. I mean come grow up...... some ppl think they're in love with the jb.....who cares thats their opinion.....stop making questions about that and threatening the fans if they ask a question about the jb....get a life!!!!!

  2. We still have a sense of humor! We just are angry that

    u might be a fan of something else, but we aren't going around saying stuff like; "aren't the beatles g*y?" "doesn't Led Zeppelin suck?" "AC/DC has no sence of music" So if u guys want to be fans of something else, go ahead, And don't tell me that there isn't another band/artist that doesn't have screaming girl fans? And u people are going around doing that stuff to us. Are u thinking, 'those bands don't suck!' well, neither do the jonas brothers. So, just let us be fans, and just leave us be. Some people have different tastes in music. That is fine! Just don't make rude comments.

  3. We still have a sense of humor but haters are asking the sae questions too. "Are the Jonas Brothers g*y?" "Don't the JOnas Brothers suck?" yah we arn't the only ones asking the same questions

  4. We still have our sense of humor! People just make us mad,and it's disrespectful!!

  5. i think that we still have a sense of humor and personally, some of the things that people say are really funny, but then there are some people that take things too far. like when people say stuff about nick and his's one thing to make fun of them, but it's another thing to bring his disease into it.

  6. I personally like the Jonas Brothers, but someone on yahoo made a comment about Joe's unibrow and asked if it was considered one of the brother's. Even though I like the Jonas Brother's I still found that comment hysterical! I think some fan's can be so defensive but really who cares.

  7. Ha Ha the one fan is mad because the haters ask the same thing over and over again.

    Man thats priceless.

    Friggin priceless.

    They have no sense of humor.

    At all.

    Make fun of Geddy Lee....I could care less I still love him and Rush.

  8. Yeah, it probably gets pretty old being reminded that your favorite little q****s are just plain awful, even when compared to others in the relatively awful genre of pre-pube pop.  

  9. They can't take a joke. I could care less about someone ripping all over the bands I like. h**l I might even join in.  

  10. we still have a sense of humor but haters keep on asking the same questions everyday

    are the jonas brothers g*y?

    is joe jonas g*y?

    aren't the jonas brothers bad?

    dont the jonas brothers look bad?

    it's just really annoying

    i mean if you dont like them fine

    but u dont have to make a big deal of it

    some of the things haters say are funny

    like the unibrow comment

  11. I agree with you! Fans just can't take a joke about the Jonas Brothers

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