
Jonas Brothers 2009 tour.?

by Guest32019  |  earlier

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when does the 2009 Jonas Brothers tour start? and when do the tickets go on sale?

best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. sept 31st  for tickets.... its their fall/winter tour...


  2. they're gonna have "A litle bit longer" tour

    but idk when

  3. There has not been anything said about a 2009 tour unfortunatley =(

  4. This one isn't even over yet....

    They haven't announced anything anyway...

  5. They probably are having one but I think they're just focusing on the Burning Up Tour. But that is a fact....possibly! They are having a 2009 tour but they're probably going to say it in like Jan. or something.

  6. They haven't announced one yet and they might not have one because there filming there new TV show J.O.N.A.S

  7. Im not sure but i really want 2 meet them one day!!! =D

  8. I would say, in the middle of 2009! Ughh we have to wait soo long

  9. They haven't announced one yet. It will probably be a while before their next one since they have to film J.O.N.A.S. and Camp Rock 2.

    Help please?

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