
Jonas Brothers fans!?

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I was just litesning to Can't Have You, and I couldn't help but notice that in the lyrics, it sounds like Nick's singing "I don't wanna fall asleep, I dont know I'll f*ck it up..."

Instead of "I don't wanna fall asleep, cause I don't know if i'll wake up"

I ALWAYS notice things like that in their songs, and then thats all I can hear!

In Hold On, if you concentrate on the music and not Joe and Nick's voice, you can hear a high-pitched beep on every beat. Listen carefully, though! If yoy want the beeping to go away, you just have to concentrate on their voices again!

Jonas Hearters only; no Haters!


...I dropped my pencil :\




  1. i want video girl to say "get some class and kiss my ***"

    that would be awesome.

  2. OKKKKKKKKKKKKKK? so you're hearing curse words grow up dumbasssss as if you've never heard a song that curses.

    edit: well if they don't swear there you have it. They just swore or made it sound like they swore you "proved" your point so what are we suppose to care or what?

  3. haha really?

    im gunna listen to hold on now and try hear it.

    thats really funny.



  4. wow, i didnt even know

  5. I hear a lot of different things in all kinds of songs.  

  6. the line if cause i dont know if ill 'get' up not wake up.

    im not a fan but my friend is round with ths album she has with all these lyrics

  7. the jo bros are ****!

  8. i dnt like the jonas bros. =]

    so i have no idea wot u r talking about
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