
Jonas Brothers like The Beatles?

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How can people compare those two?

The beatles were and still are amazing...!

Jonas Brothers are'nt that great at all...........

No offense to anyone!




  1. People compare them because the Jonas Brothers have almost the same ammount of fans as the beatles.

  2. Comparing the Jonas Brothers to the Beatles is like comparing a bag of The Beatles.

  3. Yeah, we know. It's just, well, the jb fans can't accept that The Beatles are an influencial legend, and the jonas brothers are a fad.

    Apparently us jobro haters are "JUST JELOUSSSSSS!"

    Great argument, lovers, great argument.

  4. I know! It's really offensive to Beatles fans and more so the Beatles that they are compared by 10-year-olds to the Jonas Brothers. They are NOTHING alike. By that I mean that the Beatles were one of the best bands of all time. And the Jonas Sisters are ther worst band ever (even though I do feel bad for Nick's diabetes AND EVERYONE ELSE'S).

    The only thing that relates them to each other is that the Jonas Brothers have life-size posters of Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and George Harrison next to their beds which they kiss every night. Even the genders of the two bands are different.

  5. I AGREE!

    The Beatles... they are CLASSICS! You can't touch them.

    Jonas Brothers... They WISH they could be WORTHY to be compared to greats like Beatles.  

  6. oh GOD

    how can SOMEONE think, make the fatal mistake to THINK that jonas brothers can be even a little compared to BEATLES,who are one of the greatest bands of all times?

    be sure that in some years no one will give a d**n **** **** about jonas.

    remember it.

  7. Yuck!  How can people even use the Jonas Brothers in the same sentence with the Beatles!?!?!

    The Beatles dominate.


  8. 1. The Jonas Brothers have the fan base like the Beatles.

    2. They DO play their own music. They have a back-up band but Kevin is main guitar and Nick and Joe play sometimes too.

    3. They write their own songs.

    4. They are very clean and good people to use as role models.

    so POO!




  10. Not even close, I honestly can't find one slight comparison. I don't think that many people will EVER compare to the beatles.. Jonas Brothers becoming a legend... Not going to happen.

  11. They'd be somewhat like the Beatles if they actually played music

  12. The Jonas Brothers are literally g*y, they finally came out..together

  13. haha, they only make alot of money cuz kids love them!

    i dont hate them, it's just sad how they get more attention than they deserve.

    The Beatles are Rock Legends thogh!

    No comparison!

  14. They don't compare - it's like apples and dinosaurs.

  15. yeah the beatles were amazing the jonas brothers are just a bunch of stupid disney retards who think theyre cool because a couple of little girls like them

  16. omg fook the jonas brothers. I can't believe ppl would even COMPARE them to The Beatles.


  17. I know.

    The Beatles are and always will be legends.

    I've never even heard a Jonas Brother song before, and no one will remember them in 3 years.

  18. The only way I see that they are the same is that they have many teenage girls who are fans, who fall all over themselves when they see them, and scream a lot. The comparison ends there.

  19. no you cannot compare them...the beatles are STILL famous, as for the Jonas one will know who they are next year.

  20. I highly doubt it,

    It's just some of those retarded kids who buy their album and listen to their music cuz they think they're hot, no offense they can sing but they're nowhere close to the beatles

  21. With  ya', and no the Jonas's don't like the Beatles, they slaughtered them and murdered them and RUINED A GREAT SONG. They make my ears bleed and my brain hurts for allowing them to enter my thoughts just long enough to type this.

    Please spare us all of the J word.


  22. On 20/20 they described the Jonas Brothers as a mixture of the Beatles and Rolling Stones.

  23. I mean offense. The Jonas Brothers are horrible singers. They are pitch shifted and nasty. They are only popular because they are Disney. The Beatles are popular because everyone likes them. But they are also popular because they were and are great musicians. Learn to like good music, yall

  24. eeeeeck! it makes me cringe to hear the comparison. i think it was TMZ that asked the boys to name one beatle, and they had nothin. no answer. they do not derserve the right of that comparison. the beatles hated the loud screaming crowns of fans, that hated that they couldnt just go into a store for newspaper or pack of smokes. and it doesnt seem the jonas boys mind it so much.

    to be fair, there are no other "boy banders" happening at the moment. these kids dont really have a choice of music. what other "band" is out right now to compare them too?

    if the jonas brothers last 40 years, i will be happy to eat my words.  

  25. the jonas brothers will NEVER be the beatles!!!

    who ever said they are totally....insane....

    ugh....and they RUINED the song "hello goodbye" by the beatles....

  26. OMG!!!! I can't believe that anybody would ever compare the beatles to the jonas brothers!!! the Beatles (as you said) were and continue to be, amazing, years after they stopped making songs. 20 years from now the only thing you will hear on the Jonas Brothers is a VH1 "where are they now?".

  27. Wow, there are actually people who know who both the Beatles and the Jonas Brothers are?

    Teeny boppers don't know who the Beatles are and any self respecting Beatles fan wouldn't know who the Jonas Brothers are

  28. the jonas brothers are about as far from the beatles as we are from the sun

  29. It should be illegal to even mention the two in the same SENTENCE, let alone compare them.

    What ever happened to bands becoming famous because of their TALENT, not just because their voices are drawn out with machines?  NO ONE will remember the Jonas Brothers in 10 years, I doubt they'll even be remembered in 5, maybe not even this time next year!  The Beatles are legends to this day, & no one will ever come close.  Once they reach puberty, these Jonas Brothers fans will be so embarrassed that they idolized those mediocre little boys.

  30. The Beatles were the start of a revolution and it is embarrassing to the

    true musicians everywhere. Do you think the jonas brother will be remembered for decades after their time.  Definetely not.  The Beatles music moved/moves people and changes lives , the jonas brothers dont even play real music.  Also the majority of the jonas brothers fans are 8-12 year old girls.  Besides no group can be that great if theyre sposored and produced by disney channel.

  31. A flea on Ringo's dog is better than The Jonas Brothers.

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