
Jonas Brothers on Rolling Stone cover?

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Why???? What have they done to deserve being on the cover of the most famous Rock and Roll magazine? I mean I know Rolling Stone has had some pretty awful cover choices before but The Jonas brothers? What is this world coming to? Any thoughts? Please if you love the Jonas brothers that also means you are 13 and prob don't read Rolling Stone so don't bi*ch me out.




  1. i agree with you. only adults who can actually sing should be on the rolling stones cover.  they're just too young to be on. they need to stick with bop and tiger beat respectively.  mature adults only for rolling stone.

  2. You know, you have to give it up to Rolling Stone magazine....someone with  an idea said, hey, you wanna sell tons of copies, and develop an entirely new fan base....put the Dum@ss brothers on the cover...

    and it worked

  3. i know the rolling stones have had rock legends all over them but over the past year the jonas brothers have worked so hard that their fame rose and they deserved to be on the cover.

  4. Rolling Stone has had no bigger embarrassment than putting the Jonas Brothers on the cover.

    Rose to fame?? are you KIDDING ME? they are a Disney band. Their music IS AWFUL. I mean not even close to NOT BEING AWFUL.

  5. i dont know y proably because they will get alot of money from teen girls off it i thought metro station should have been on the cover at lease hannah montana isnt on the cover

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