
Jonas Brothers sayings, quotes, anything??

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I need a little "spill" about how you feel about the Jonas brothers music" NOOOO bad things, only empowering stuff.

also, if you have any good quotes, anything....i need anything, please and thank you.




  1. ahh the jonas brothers. On bad days, those guys are the reason I live.

    Their music is like none other.

    They are such down to Earth, humble people.

    Each of their personalities are different.

    Kevin's mad guitar skills are like none other.

    His smile makes YOU smile and his laugh is the cutest you will ever hear.

    Joseph is such a combined character.

    you don't know what to expect from him.

    He'll dare to wear colored pants, pink shoes, and bandannas.

    He's charming and funny and really connects with his audience.

    and then there's Nick.

    the boy who made it all happen.

    he has the voice of an angel and i'm not stretching the truth.

    and even though he has diabetes,

    he doesn't let it keep him down

    Nicholas is my inspiration.

    They all are.

    everything about them is just, idk, like you know those really hot days when you finally get in the house and the air conditioner just hits you? it's like that. its a relief. they help you get away for a while from all your problems.  they are the medicine to my sickness, the cherry on top of my ice cream.

    i think every jonas brothers fan knows this. you can't even explain how much you love them....

    oh and if you are going to use this somewhere, please credit me because i wrote this.

    hoped this helped your question =)

  2. the jonas brothers arent just a regular teen rock band with good looks good hair and good style.what the jobros. stand for is good some sports players some its for the love of the game,same with the guys its for the love of music.the write their own lyrics own music i think thats what makes a musician a real and dedicated musician.what teen star do  you know wears purity rings now a days and believe in God.some may think its a publicity stunt but idk if youve noticed in any recent interviews that the guys wont talk about because its personal,they dont just give out everything about their lives just to get more people to listen to them.they are humble true to themselves and arent ashamed.they know that even though they are famous the shouldnt let the fame go way over their heads.they love their fans and would anything for them for as we can see that every night on stage.and what really makes them unique their 3 brothers who love God their family and their fans.

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