
Jonas Phone Number??

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I don't have the Jonas Brothers phone number but my friend does so i know it exists and she gets messages all the time and i just want to know the number and how to get them to leave me messages too!!! Thank you and please don't tell me how much you hate the Jonas Brothers in your answer if you hate them then just don't answer!!




  1. your friend is just talking b*llshit.

  2. why ont you jus ask ur friend for it?? and if she doesnt give it to you then I think shes lying!!

  3. No celebrity in their right mind...especially them..would give out their number.

    Its probably just one of those fan-based systems where they send out messages.

  4. wasn't it on their myspace...and I think if you go to their youtube site and watch the look me in the eye video it's on the end of it. It's a number just for fans so I hope it helps.

  5. stalker?

  6. haha it's deffinetley fake. im sure only their friends and people that they actually know have their phone number. they would never give their phone number to a crazed fan. your friend is either lying or she doesn't know it's not the real thing.

  7. Your friend is more than likely tricking you. The Jonas brothers would never give out their number
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