
Jonas brothers fans only??????

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is there a new living the dream on tonight? cuz i went to dvr it but it didnt show up on the little tv guide thing. and one more question. u know the song lovebug right? well at the end when they are talking and stuff, before someone says "i dropped my pencil" someone yells GET OFF THAT ________! what is in the blank ?! my mom thought it was cake but im not sure about that.. lol




  1. I checked too, and it's not on there. Hmmm...maybe there isn't one this week or maybe there are no more. I dunno, but yeah Joe yells at the end of the song "GET OFF THAT CAKE!!" He he!!

  2. i dunno about the living the dream thing, but i am pretty sure it is cake. i dont get why they talk at the beginning and end. does someone know????

  3. i thought it was cake also

  4. umm i dont know about the living the dream thing, but i hope there will be a new one!

    and as for lovebug (my FAV song off the cd btw) ummm he does say CAKE. yo mama was right! im a huge fan and im happy you are too! we have something in  common!!

  5. i hate jonas sister they look like girls

  6. Its every friday night  

  7. I am not sure about if there is another living the dream tonight. I hope so! About the Lovebug, your mom is right, its cake. =]

  8. NO ITS NOT ON TONIGHT I don't know why but its on next friday, August 29.. WE'RE THE BOSS:Kevin, Joe and Nick are fully engaged in their careers and are seen as they write songs, perform, make decisions associated with their tour, and update their fan website. And then there is one more episode on September 5th... DREAM ON: Kevin, Joe and Nick finish their tour in East Rutherford, NJ ...... and joe yells "get off that cake!"

    Hope I helped and please pick me as best answer?


  9. It's cake:P,

    and yes there is a new living the dream every friday after wisards of waverly place on family:P,!

  10. Your mom's right, it's cake XD

  11. i



  12. lol. i don't think so for some reason.

    and yess it's cake.


    i love themmmm!!!!!!

    more than ANYTHING!!!!!!

    :D :D :D :D :D

  13. Yeah there is. It doesnt show up on the channel guide because its only 5 minutes.

  14. your moms right it is GET OFF THAT CAKE!! and joe said it

    and i hope theres a new living the dream on tonight and there probably is so tune in just in case

  15. haha woooowwww they suck so bad who gives a **** **** about the jonas brothers.

    Them and their purity rings they are a huge joke

    watch chelsea hander interviews the jonas brothers

  16. idk & yes it is cake sum1 wrote it on a sign @ their Bristow VA concert

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