
Jonas brothers fans...?

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when u guys found out tht nick had diabetes were u still obsessed w/ him or did u move on 2 joe??




  1. i love them all equally  

  2. No, these little girls think he needs their support 'cause he needs to inject insulin every day! :-(

  3. no i stayed with nick. just because he has diabetes doesn't mean you should be like eww he is soo gross. no; that is wrong to switch to someone else because he has diabetes

  4. who cares if he has it!

    well i care but what i meant is

    him having it wont/will never cause mee to dis like him!


  5. WTF? Ummmm why would I care to move to Joe? That's just mean....

  6. I still love Nick even if he does have diabetes. It's no big deal. I mean ya it is but y would anyone stop loving him because of it?

  7. No, that's not a real fan. But, I think only because you have diabetes doesn't mean you should like somebody else. You should support them instead.  

  8. my care cup is empty...\_/...but i still love you!

  9. Just because Nick has diabetes doesn't make him ugly. personally

    I love his diabetes <3

  10. Why would anyone move onto Joe just because Nick has diabetes?  that really doesn't make too much sense.

  11. i still like him: he's my favorite jobro, and i dont care that he has diabetes  

  12. why would you not like someone because they had diabetes?

  13. no i always love kevin and nick and joe but mostly kevin lol but i feel bad 4 nick

  14. I will still love him with diabetes or not!!

  15. i was never really obsessed with them in the first place but i did have a little more respect for nick since he was going through a really really tough time.

    i didn't move on to joe lol

    i love all the guys hehe

  16. I'm staying true 2 Nick, & I love them all.

  17. Well ive always liked them all from the beginning, especially Joe. But when i found out about Nicks diabetes i felt horrible, and yes i did have a lot of sympathy for him.  

  18. i loved nick and still do.

    i think that he sends out a great message to kids that have troubles that things shouldn't slow you down. he also bring more diabetes awareness. i love that he isnt afraid to talk about his problems.

  19. I still love Nick. I dont care what he has. It makes him even stronger. I am really glad he decided to tell us all that he has it. I love him and support he 100%. I love all of them and support them all 100%

  20. No just because he has diabetes doesn't change anything. Its not like its contagious!! I love and support the Jonas Brothers NO matter what!

  21. i always thought all of them were g*y cause they r.

  22. lol welll im your fan

    hit me up on myspace or facebook

    facebook- jimmy grant from NC

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