
Jonas brothers? help?

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my brother hates the jonas brothers i love them so if you hate them dont comment.....he calls them g*y all the time...ALL.. the time and i need the BEST COMEBACK to shock him next time he calls them g*y or they suck eachothers ****s but plz help its pissing me off more and more and i need a comeback SOOOOOOOOOOOON plz thanx!!

jobro lovers!!




  1. Don't ask questions if you don't want answers from EVERYONE who feels like answering :).

    Do what other little girl fans do. Tell him he's just jealous. So, he can laugh at you. :)

  2. OMJ. my friend's brother calls them g*y too!

    hes 10. and guess what.. I AGREE!

  3. i don't hate THEM, but i hate their over obsessed fans... just tell him that he doesn't know what they're like in real life, that maybe people dress them and tell them what to say, that maybe they're completely different from their public image. No, it doesn't matter if you believe that their completely like their public image, just tell him that and he might back off. Hopefully, he'll back off and just hate the fans like i do.

  4. If I see another question about the Jonas brothers I am getting off yahoo......

  5. well he is right, try a band like Muse or Coldplay

  6. u shUd JuS T3Ll HiM heS JeLozzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. when he says there g*y, you could say "you would know" lol idk

    (i dont like them but i dont call them f**s or anything)

  8. What is the problem with your brothers!!! the JONAS BROTHERS are amazing and the next time he criticizes them say"at least they don't (embarassing thing that your brother does) and the can sing unlike you !"

  9. They suck like a hoover! And it's so obvious they're into guys.


  10. yeah, so does my brother. just ignore him. it's not worth arguing about.  

  11. Just least they can get a girl unlike u

  12. i agree with Kyrstin! i also know a 10

    year old who called them g*y! oh wait,

    its the same kid. hehe.

    HI KYRSTIN. =)

    lol. i amaze myself. =P
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