
Jonas brothers purity ring controversy?

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i was talking to a friend who says that he heard that the purity rings are a way of getting rid of unwanted female attention, because they prefer the attention of guys... what do you think?




  1. Purity. HA! I am going to get one of those because I am so pure. Whatever. HA HA!! I laugh in the face of breeders!!

  2. Nonsense and speculation.

  3. Purity rings are a stupid idea, for anyone.

    Cheers :-)

  4. haha i knew it... they need to just come out... all the little girls would fall out crying in the streets!! hahaha

  5. Sometimes a purity ring is just a purity ring.

    Though many young folk are more sexually free, I don't think it is bad, in a heterosexual context, to hold off sexual involvement hoping for one's soulmate.

    And I think the rings have much more to do with their religious values than with preferring the attention of guys.

    I don't think Nick is g*y.  Admittedly, if one of the older brothers does turn out to be g*y, I suppose the purity ring thing might buy him time before coming out.  I don't think it is a plot, though: religious values have great power, and some people buy into them without any ulterior motive.

  6. purity rings sound so stupid for any1 to wear

  7. didnt the silly "religo" hetros start that c**p anyhow? I think its an insideous plot instigated by jewish jewelors to get us to buy more rings! I wish id of thought of it first!          

  8. whoa!

  9. Don't mistake a complete lack of musical talent for homosexuality. Besides, you think *all three* of them could possibly be g*y?

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