
Jonas brothers question???

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umm why do people say looks don't really matter about the jonas brothers if thats a lie the main reason you like them is their looks ....

some people say i love their song but

if an old ugly man with the voice of an angel sang those lyrics i don't think you guys will obssess over them

also back then in 2006 i used to like the jonas brothers and when i asked the internet and showd their recent picture most of you commented

'umm the jonas brothers are okay,'

'the one in the middle looks weird ' <----(joe)

'i just checked out their music its cool but more for 10 year-olds'

to all you jonas fans did you become their fans

1.mostly of their looks

2.their music

3.your friends like them and you don't want to be different

(im do not hate the jonas brother nor bash them i was taught manners and im not some loner who lives to make fun of the jonas brothers)




  1. out of the 100% that i like them 30% is their looks 30% their music and the other 40% is for the way they act and their personality. and their music is NOT for ten year olds. if it was then why do millions of people  (teenagers!) like them?

  2. 1) yes

    2) no (really..really...bad. They try to make themselves look like a rocker but really its more pop)

    3) Sorta, I don&#039;t listen to their music but I think theyre pretty cute and my friends agree.

  3. i dont like them, and yes their music sucks, and they are not even that attractive, my friends love them, i however dont

    fan girls claim that they like them cuz of their personalities and cuz their christian or what not, those are just lies, cuz i bet you that it is just about the looks

  4. Its mostlyy there songs and music because they have meanings to them but looks are a big part of it too.

    andd no.

    being different is betterr =]

  5. ok u r a little rite about da looks, but i dont only like them for their looks and music. I like them for who they r. They r good people. They r Christians. They pray before each show and their dad is a minister and pastor. and even though Nick has diabetes, he thinks of it as a positive thing. They inspire kids from all around the world. Like their song A Little Bit Longer. and from Nick&#039;s un-released album. Nick wrote da songs Appreciate, Dear God, and Joy To The World(a Christmas Prayer) when he was just a little kid. They have a charity for kids with diabetes and 10% of their profits goes to da charity which is da Change for The Children organization. They really arent bad people. but i have to admit SOME of it is their looks. They really aren&#039;t bad people and their music speaks and inspires people. Well thats wat i think

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