
Jonas brothersss next tour(:(:(:<3!?

by  |  earlier

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do you know when it is(:

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  1. it&#039;s supposedly a world tour.

    nothings been announced yet, though, so Idk.

    I want to go to it!(:

  2. i have no clue...but hey id go to it!

    id do anything to see them hotties.

    especially joe!


  3. first of all, this question gets asked every hour. lol. i feel liked i&#039;ve answered it 100 times. lol

    but, rumors of a &#039;little bit longer&#039; world tour starting in january!! not sure about the &#039;world&#039; part, but theres a really good chance of some kind of tour starting in january!  

  4. Next year there will be a world tour, so that would take a year or two

    No dates yet

    Probably November or so

  5. idk but after this tour they have to shoot J.O.N.A.S !!! (yay i cant wait)

    But yah it might be &quot;a little bit longer&quot; till they have another tour!


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