
Jonny Wilkinson playing?

by Guest10845  |  earlier

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So what is up with Jonny Wilkinson? Is he playing any more rugby or have all his injuries finally caught up with him? I havent heard a word about him for ages.




  1. I wonder if the players are all so big nowadays that being  small means he may get a heavy pounding. Perhaps he needs to play with more guile to avoid the crunching tackles.

    England have got to play Samoa and South Africa in the group stage. I think he'll get taken out if they play him in one of those games unless the refs have a draconian policy with regard to rule violations .. a bit of  a pessimistic assessment perhaps. In the Big Boy knockout stage it will be even more physical.

  2. Princess porceline johnny is injured and out of the SA game...Twisted his ickle ankle...

    Olly Barkley (more commonly referred to as "t******e") is in for him.

    Don't think this will stop ITV from dedicating every other word to Johnny though.

    Johnny this Johnny that..god,

  3. Yup, he's injured again and this time "also" no idea for how long.

  4. He was playing again this year for England for the first time in 3 years  but after making the World Cup pannel he injured himself in training and is out again till the S. African match at earliest.

    The man is a wreck, there was a price to winning the world cup...every time he plays now he is targetted. seen him play a few times for Flacons and he has come off the field covered in blood. By hitting the drop goal he has painted a target on his chest for ever more......

  5. Wilkinson is England's secret weapon.

    They have such a c**p side that they will surrender the William Ellis Trophy, but will say " ... but if only Wilkinson had been fit..."

    It is a little known fact that the Maori for "bad loser" is "english".

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