
Jordan, Kobe, and Lebron all get along, and are good friends, why can't their fanboys do the same?

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Jordan, Kobe, and Lebron all get along, and are good friends, why can't their fanboys do the same?




  1. because for some reason people feel the need to defend their player no matter what the circumstance is.  leading them to taking down the other players even though they are way good friends

  2. Because Kobe's fanboys are delusional.

    If they weren't delusional, no one would have a problem with them.  Look at Lebron's fanboys, how many times have you seen fans (other than Kobeaners) argue with them here on Yahoo?  I see only one or two a month.

    And yet, Kobeaners argue with everyone 100 times a day on Yahoo about how Kobe is better than everyone in the history of the NBA.

  3. I wonder that too. I didn't like Kobe until I saw road to redemption where Lebron and Kobe talked about eachother with such great respect. Lebron told everyone that they shouldn't critizize Kobe personally so much when they don't know him.

    Plus Kobe fans can be very very annoying...for instance MC is the retarded.

  4. because hordan's fanbase knows that jordan is the greatest player of our generation. the greatest marketing tool of all time. ther man that is responsible for the popularity the nba has today. he laid the groundwork for allt he future superstars to take advantage of the amount of money that is out there to make.

    kobe fans are somewhat brainwashed because kobe believes he's better than jordan which he is not. listen to every word he says and the way he talks he mimicks jordan to the point where u know its fake and rehearsed.

    lebron fans cant relate cause yes he is the future of the league, yes he is the chosen one, but he hasnt done anything yet except move merchandise. his game is not as grown up as kobe or jordan but he is likeable.  

  5. No Shaq = No Ring

    No Kobe = No Fake Fan

  6. Because they have nothing else to do.

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