
Jordan-Kobe 1v1, Jordan says no contest. The Truth?

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He said in his prime, Jordan would beat Kobe 1v1.

I know Kobe is the best of the NBA today but I think Jordan is the best in NBA history.




  1. Kobe has better basketball skills, better offensive game, and he is a better shooter than Jordan is.. The only thing Jordan is better is going to the hoop because he is stronger than Kobe is. 1v1 Kobe would win because he has a better offensive game.

  2. I don't care if you are a Kobe Jocker, Jordan Jockers or whoever, if you know anything about basketball you would know Jordan would slaughter Kobe (both in prime) 1v1. Its just facts................Jordan was incredible!!!

    But Kobe could probably take anyone in the league right now 1v1 and kill 'em!!

  3. Jordan, Jordan, Jordan. By far there would be no contest. MJ is unstoppable. Yeah Kobe can shoot and drive but can he fly?

  4. Kobe all day home boy dont ever try my boy KOBE like dat he would do Jordan All day every day  KOBE4LIFE.

  5. jordan would kill kobe

  6. I think that IS the truth.  I don't disagree with him or you.

    Jordan anywhere near his prime (even at age 36...) had the most devastating fade-away jumpshot I've ever seen.  In a 1-on-1 game, that shot is un-guardable.  Jordan in his prime was also every bit as (if not more) athletic than Kobe, just as good a 1-on-1 defender, and could step up his game in a tight situation better than Kobe or really anyone else in NBA history.

  7. Yes there is no competition

  8. It's Either You believe Or Yuh Don't Be Live

    Kobe Just Can't compare  

  9. I don't think I've seen Kobe in any All Defensive teams. Has he?  Jordan on the other hand was an All Defense almost every year. Their offense are similar but in D, it's Jordan!

  10. Jordan in his prime was on of the greatest athletes in history. Kobe is a great basketball player but he hasn't accomplished what Jordan has... NBA Champion, Olympic Champion, and he has a multi billion dollar name.  

  11. i think kobe is one of the best right now(along with LJ) but MJ would own kobe in his prime. MJ is always going to be the best.

  12. Total player-wise I think Jordan is much much better than Kobe.   If I could have any player on my team it would be Jordan in his prime.  

    However, 1 on 1 I think Kobe could take Jordan. It's a toss-up for me.  Jordan had amazing physical ability as well as a mean fadeway.  

    To answer your question, I'm going to go with MJ.    

  13. No one should be compared to Jordan, ever. He is an always will be the greatest basketball player. MJ would just dunk over Kobe everytime anyways.

  14. I respect Michael Jordan but Kobe Bryant is simply the best!

  15. MJ would get the win no doubt  

  16. I'll have to go with Kobe

  17. If Michael Jordan would be 29 just like Kobe Bryant he will kill Kobe because Michael Jordan has a great jumpshot and also tell me this Michael Jordan has won 6x NBA Champion (1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998) and 5x NBA MVP (1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998) and how many times has Kobe won a championshi only 3 times with Shaq and Michael Jordan did it by himself with no help and he passed the ball to.

  18. I agree with you.

    I think MJ would win in his prime.  Oh.............but right now.............Kobe is the best player on the planet.  Hands down.

  19. I offer you proof:

    Jordan faced over 1/3 of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History in the playoffs on his journey to 6 rings. We're talking about All-Time Greats like Olajuwon, Barkley, Drexler, Magic, Bird, Shaq, Ewing, Stockton, Malone, etc. He beat every single one of them. The only other player to have done anything remotely similar was Bill Russell.

    Kobe has taken down not even one. Not EVEN ONE!

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