
Josef Fritzl thinks he's not a monster & is upset that the media portrays him that way. What do you think?

by  |  earlier

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1- fathered 7 grandkids with his own daughter

2- imprisoned her for 24 years

3- imprisoned 3 of the children and burned one after it died


Sounds like a monster to me. Maybe I'm biased?




  1. No! That is just sick! Raping your own daughter and having kids with her?  That dude isn't just a monster, he's a disgrace to the human race. d**n weirdos...

  2. It would be nice to be able to call him a monster, I'll admit... It would be easy and neat... It would make us all feel better... But the truth is, he's not a monster... Nor is he an animal. He is a human, plain and simple... Only a human can commit such cold and vicious acts absolute cruelty by choice and with a total lack of sympathy, remorse or regret...

  3. because he doesn't think he is. he knows he was doing something wrong or else why would he have an inground prison built? in his own words he thought he was doing good by keeping his daughter away from the "evils" of the world, that she would make a good mother and how kind of him to let his daughter's sick daughter go to the hospital.

    Of course hes a sick b*****d - but not in his own eyes.

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