
Journalism jobs with OSU degree?

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I've finally decided after a year at college that I want to major in journalism--probably get a job in advertising, but actually writing for a mag/newspaper would be great too...I'm just worried that my degree from ohio state university wont be considered good enough to land me a decent starting job..does anyone know how successful their journalism school is in getting jobs for students?




  1. go to OSU's career center and let that loan money provide you with the dividends that you paid for. Use those resources to make contact with fellow aluma dn get job leads and/or internships that get you where you want to be!

    Hope this helps

  2. To get connections you really need to impress a few journalism teachers. I mean WOW! them. The most you could hope for from them, however, is strong recommendations. So if you don't have connections, you'll need to start at a weekly newspaper. Just make sure there is also a competing daily newspaper in that area. If you write some phenomenal stories, you might catch the eye of a daily newspaper editor. As far as money forget about it. Unless you work for a major metropolitian newspaper, you'll end up feeding the kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches four days a week. To get to that level of major metropolitian newspapers, you have to be really talented and really lucky. Journalism is a glamour job and a very interesting line of work. Many want to do it. It's hyper, hyper competitive to get what you want you'll need plenty of talent and/or family connections.

  3. As a general rule, WHERE you get the degree doesn't matter as long as you work hard and have a solid GPA, good journalism clips and some internship experience. Work for your student paper on campus, get summer internships and do a little freelancing, if possible, for your hometown paper. Get a campus job too -- all schools have PR, Alumni or Foundation departments and they'd love a student to work for them.

    Journalists don't make much money, so when you say "decent starting job," if you expect to make more than $30K a year you're delusional -- sorry but it's true. My first job, which I've just left, paid poorly and had terrible benefits. And frankly, I'm good at this stuff. My next job included a 15% raise.

    Your school won't get you a job, but you can find profs and so on to help mentor you and who know people (i.e. editors in the field). That's a lot more important than the career center might be, which is all about writing the perfect cover letter.

    OSU is a good school that many people have heard of with a solid reputation. However, don't be just a comm major -- be a doublemajor in business, poli-sci or something else you're interested in. Also, learn about web design and videography.

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