
Journalist Before becoming a Politician?

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Ok I am in college working on my BA in Broadcast Journalism. I have a love for politics and have always wanted to be involved in it. Is there any possiblity of me becoming one. I know that politicians come from a variaty of careers before they enter politics but most seem to be lawyers, are there any famous or not famous ones who were Journalist before they became politicians.

And another thing if I wanted to become a politican and wanted to go to Grad school first, what would be a good thing for me to study with my Basis in Journalism.




  1. Let's see -- take some writing and political science courses, just to get some basic information.

    Do journalists become politicians? Once in a while, but it is pretty rare. (An Albany talk show host ran for state office a while ago, lost, and wrote a book about the experience.) It is more common to go the other way, from political type to journalist. Tim Russert is the most obvious example of this. Tim learned how the game was played, and then put those skills to good use.

    Most of the people in politics started out as aides to existing office-holders, and then took something of an entry level job -- city or county legislator, etc. If they won that, they looked to move up downt he road.

    I'll mention this, speaking as someone who has some connections to politics. It's a tough business, mostly because of fund-raising. There aren't many nights and weekends off. And there are a lot of mediocrities around. But maybe you can change that.

  2. actually.. many "lawyers" have their undergrad studies in HISTORY...

    As for career journalists that became politicians, I dont think there are any, though there were probably a number that wrote in their college newspapers etc etc....

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