I have the following config:Pentium 200 mmx win 98 soundblaster 16 MS sidewinder gamepad Quickshot joystick - QS-201Microsoft Sidewinder game pad drivers load and test fine. The sidewinder test program, all buttons work fine.Tried adding joystick through controlpanel/gamecontrollers = 4 button 2 axis joystickChecked in the devicemanager/sound,video,game/gameportjoystick/properties device status = working properly, no conflictsAs far as I know, not a Plug&Play joystick.Problem: joystick games don't recognize joystick doesn't matter if I use sidewinder pass through (with LED off) or joystick direct connection to game port.The joystick works fine on another system (win95)Per the quickshot website - I didn't use the included calibration software from quickshotAny ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help everyone!Dave Monshaw