
Jr Ross on MVP incident?

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I know this is about MVP making fun of someone in charge of the wrestlers drug test but i don't really get what happened and Ross used a metaphor to explain the event but i did not get it here's what Jr Ross put up on his blog

"Did you hear about the MAJOR altercation in the locker room area of a recent wrestling event where a top hand had it out with a tester. Seems as if someone in catering failed to test the mashed potatoes and they weren't creamy and buttery enough and there was quite the issue that ensued. Thank goodness that the fish that was throughly cooked that day or this matter could have gotten really ugly and made big news on the 'net. I hear a team meeting will be held to discuss this issue but that the potato matter won't be specifically addressed. Hey, being a tester and doing one's job can be very...'testy."

?? can anyone make it more clear to me plz




  1. There's some guys that have to watch the wrestlers pee in the cup (So they have to see their ya know what.) to make sure they can test it properly for the drug test and MVP made a joke about it and got a lot of people backstage talking, plus MVP isn't to hot with the creative team right now because they asked him to work matches more like Shelton Benjamin and he really hasn't.

  2. I don't get it either lol. Friggin' JR. When the going gets tough he always has to use tough-to-decipher metaphors. Regardless, MVP is an idiot for doing what he did. Sure, it may be rough for the wrestlers to be bare from the neck to the knees, but the tester is just doing his job. I highly doubt the tester has any aspirations of seeing the wrestlers' package anyways.

  3. I Dont Even Wanna Know What JR was Saying

  4. Is it true?

    I didn't know that happen.

  5. when mvp was taking the drug test he told the guy that had to watch him pee that he went to college for 4 years to watch people urine

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