
Jr and Beer?

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Why dosnt the Jr fans grow up and quit throwing beer cans when somone eles win? ...

Thats ever race




  1. Kinda funny since I don't drink, and I would'nt waste a can of Mountain Dew on any driver, not even Kyle Busch. BTW, if I'm at a race and a beer can hits me or my family, someone's getting their a*s kicked, regardless if it's another Jr fan.

  2. It is the Junior fans why would he be begging his fans to stop doing it? There are no other drivers having to tell their fans to stop. So there. Does that make sense to Junior fans.

  3. Get it right!

    They are Amp Cans!

  4. Let's face it. Not all fans sit there and swill beer all race long. I personally do not drink at the races. Because I still have to drive either home, or at least to the hotel.

    And unless there is an exit poll that shows that x people were spotted throwing cans, and those people are stopped at the exit and asked who they root for, shut up about Jr. fans.

    It could be just people who don't like Kyle. They could be fans of any of the other 42 drivers. Maybe THEIR driver didn't make the field and they have nothing better to do with no-one to cheer on.

  5. Do you truly believe that they will ever quit throwing their trash..look how they treat Jeff Gordon.. have the IQ of a "junebug"..sure put HMS in the sewer..King KYLE, put this turkey through the wall next time...

  6. thats jr nation for you

  7. Are you certain it's just JR fans?  How many just uses that as an excuse to throw?  Sure there is JR fans who does that, but that don't make all of us bad just because a minority throws them!

    BTW, that wasn't a beer can I threw, it was a Mountain Dew can! lol

  8. all those peeps cannot go back 2 the track.  And I hate when people catagorize Jr. fans.  Like all the Jr. fans are throwing beer cans they might be throwing coke cans.  LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

  9. Jr Drunks!

  10. I'm not so sure it was even the majority of Jr. Fans.  Anybody who knows Jr. Fans know that they would never waste good beer!!  That would be considered alcohol abuse.

  11. Why does everyone keep assuming that it's only Jr fans.  Is he the only driver that has fans going to the track and/or drinking beer? It could be any number of other fans not only Jr fans. Maybe it's just fans that doesn't like Kyle Busch who knows.

  12. I agree, there may be some other driver's fans throwing the beer cans, but I say it's more Jr Nation than any other driver's fans.  They cheer when he takes the lead of a race & that's fine but he just keep the lead once he gets it. Jealosy has something to do with it also since Jr fans hate Gordon & Johnson & these are the cars that belted with the cans

  13. Those are just a minority of Jr fans, Biffle fans and Wallace fans.  Soon it will be all fans if your Peewee Herman doesn't stop driving like an immature idiot.

  14. Maybe you should not be so judgmental and quit stereotyping!  If you are there, and paying attention, all it takes is one drunk to throw a can or something, and every other drunk in the vicinity will join in.  It doesn't matter who their driver is.  It is the BEER.

    go Jr.>>>>

  15. well ive seen this first hand at the track and not everyone who threw the beer cans was Jr fans , their is alot of drunk fans who act crazy when a driver they dislike wins its unfortunate but not all of them were dale jr fans . GO #9

  16. Nascar would seize to exist if all fans were like that if their driver didn't win.

  17. Anybody sorry enough to throw beer cans at a driver, i'm sure doesn't own a computer, and will never read this question.  Wow, there are some sorry folks out there.
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