
Jr high sports question...?

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I am going into 7th grade. (jr. high), and my entire life i have always been told that i was an extremely fast runner. i have been one of the fastest in my grade all through elementary school. i want to do track, but i'm not sure if i should... none of my friends are doing it, and i'm worried if they'll work me too hard or if i'll hate it. what are jr. high sports like? do you think i'd like track? what's it like? help!!!




  1. Sweetie you will get better answers if you put this in the appropriate category.. This is NASCAR racing...

    If you want to go out for track, do it...don't do everything your friends do or don't do, or you will miss out on a lot of life!

    Go Jr.>>>>

  2. that is funny that it put a question in nascar just because it had jr in it. thinking it was the dale jr.

    if you like to run go for it.  activities after school are good and give someone something to do that is productive.  I'd go for it.

  3. Track and CC are about having a good time and meeting new people not just the top athletes do track.

  4. it can be great experience or it can be not-so-great - depends upon what you want out of it and what you are willing to put into it. i played baseball all the way from tee-ball to our team from vegas losing out in the western finals of the little league world series. i decided in order to work on my stamina and speed for jv baseball i would go out for the track team in the ninth grade, and i did. if my goal was to become a track star i would have been highly disappointed and laughed off the team. i was fast around the bases but didn't stand a chance at any race shorter than a mile when it came to competing against real track athletes.

    it was ninth grade and all the "new guys" were put first on two-mile, and it was vegas in the late spring and like 110 degrees out all the time. it was a TON of hard work and the others who were serious and very competitive. the couple of us baseball players who were there were never really taken into the track clique. we were made fun of for a little while (usually by the fans, who wanted us to get off the track so the next event could begin ;-), but once the other team members realized we didn't care if we won or not - we just wanted the workouts - they cut us some slack and it all worked out ok. they got along well and had a great time during and after practices and during meets.

    just because your friends aren't doing it - don't let that stop you. if they're real friends they'll remain your friends and if you end up on the track team, you'll make new friends there as well. they will work you hard, but if you want to be any good, there's no other way. and if you end up hating it, you can always walk away and do something else. there's no shame in trying something and deciding you don't like it. there might be some regret though, if you don't ever try.

    and as others have said, there are better places to post this question where you'll probably get better, more accurate answers than from someone for whom jr high school is almost a long-lost memory.

  5. Girl.. If you can beat Dale Jr up (on or off the tack)... Heck, I will sponsor you!!!

    Run Fast, Turn Left!

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