
Jrock wannabe's True or False?

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Does it matter? I read a site's outburst on Jrock wannabe's who try to act Jrock but don't like the music and only like the way they look, as well as for the attention. I find this more false then true..I mean, if you are calling someone else a Jrock wannabe your claiming yourself without knowing a wannabe as well. You like the way they look and you like their music, but what if you found a jrock band that had an amazing apearance to them but their music was horrible whould that make you a wannabe as well? I want your opinions on this matter I am getting kinda of tired of little pointless out breaks on other jrock fans.




  1. absolutely false!

    never put labels on others anyway.

    i like some j rock myself.

    like acid, maximum the hormone, asian kung fu generation, uverworld, dir en grey.

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