
Ju jitsu speed workouts?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know ways or workouts to get faster at submissions. i know them but nobody trains much with me and i wanna get faster. (i only get to train with others during wrestling season or on thursdays during fall winter and spring with instructor). i mostly wanna get faster at the arm bar.




  1. Honestly speed will come with technique. An arm bar in particular is a submission you cannot practice with speed's pretty easy to hurt your opponent (I've had my elbow popped in sucks)

    I help you get MORE practice than what is available to you however I can tell you that what you should focus on is the precise technique of your submissions. If you don't have to think about landing it then you can spend more time looking for opportunities to land it.

    It's kind of like playing a video game......when you aren't 100% familiar with the controls you have to think about what button to push in certain circumstances and may often miss the opportunity. Once you know the controls without having to think about them you just do it without having to put a lot of thought into it.

    I know this probably wasn't exactly with you were looking for but I promise you it's the answer to your question!

    Good luck on the mat!

  2. If you have the money, I would recommend investing in a Grappling Dummy. It is great to work on passing guards, getting to positions, and just working the motions of whatever you do.

    If you purchase one of these dummy's, just practice arm bar motions.

  3. Well I know if you take really light weights and lift them as fast as you can you make your reflexes reel fast. That wiould most likely help. Coarse the best way is just to practice rolling with people

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