
Juan Ferrero blue rains on Federico Del Bonis to move into the finals – Mercedes Cup 2011

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Juan Ferrero blue rains on Federico Del Bonis to move into the finals – Mercedes Cup 2011 
Espanola, Juan Carlos Ferrero, surpassed the 20-year-old, Federico Del Bonis in the semi final of the 2011 Mercedes Cup at the TC Weissenhof Court in Stuttgart, Germany. Ferrero bounced back from being a set down to secure his victory 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 in a rip-roaring and spine-tingling two hours five minutes and three seconds.
Bonis serving first; had served an ace, the Argentinean’s accuracy seemed to falter and he struck one double fault which hit the net but he wasn’t to give up easily. He had a seventy seven percent first serve win along with a mediocre forty seven percent in his first return and managed to save all his break points not giving an advantage to his opponent. The match was not a close tie between both the players as Ferrero could only win fifty three percent of his serve points with a meager twenty three percent first return points and was unable to win any of the three break point opportunities presented to him.
Espanola lost because he had a poor return serve and did not avail any break points in the entire set and his total set return points where seven out of twenty eight, while his rival’s (Bonis) were ten out of twenty six. Bonis also had excellent total serve points which were twenty out of twenty eight and hence, gave him a leg up, winning the match with a good twelve percent 6-3.
After being defeated in the first set the 31-year-old bounced right back into the second set. The match was a close tie between both the players as neither of them was able to throw an ace, they both struck one line fault each but the Spaniard hung in the match. They not only had good total serve points with only one percent difference (Juan with fifty seven percent and Bonis with fifty eight percent) but also had  the same one percent difference in total return points ( Bonis with forty three percent and Juan with forty two).
However, the only reason as to why the Espanola won was because he had managed to save eighty three percent of his break points and won a hundred percent, while his rival was unable to save any break points and won only one break point out of the six opportunities that were presented to him. Hence, Juan won the match with a mere two percent victory 6-4.
By the end of the second set the score card read 1:1 this was the final deciding set of the match; And was a comprehensive victory for the Spaniard but it was a fiasco for Bonis as he did not avail the chance to take the lead instead he played a poor second return serve winning only five out of seventeen points, he also gave a break point which was taken to his opponents advantage and was neither able to avail a break point to his advantage. Although, his overall total set serve points won were a good sixty three percent along with, below the par total set return points which amounted to a bare thirty percent and therefore achieving only twenty seven points out of the total sixty points of the total set.
 While, the Espanola was on fire serving excellently on his serve, his total set serve score was a grand seventy percent win but his return game was mediocre with an average thirty seven percent win on his total return points. Carlos had won a break point and also managed to save a break point giving a hundred percent in both, he took the lead on his total set points winning fifty five percent against his opponent who had a mere forty five percent win of total set points and therefore won the match 2-1   
Despite the age factor Juan had an upper hand on both the later sets and across the board, only because he managed to save nine out of eleven break points and won three out of six break points.
Juan finally managed to qualify to the final round of the Mercedes Cup where he will be facing Pablo Andujar. 



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