
Judge Orders Whites Out Of Atlanta Court?

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  1. awesome, so if i, as a white man, commit murder rape or what have you i can expect this person to judge me accordingly, but if my buddy who is black and just as guilty stands before this man he will be sympathetic towards him.  

    justice is blind my @$$, get this guy off the bench.

  2. Judges do all sorts of things in their courtroom the rest of us could never get away with. It is like their own little fiefdom where they are supreme ruler. Judges get frustrated as well. They see a litany of poor people every day who are represented by overworked, wet behind the ears, public defenders. This judge wanted to get through to these youngster and believed this was the best way.

    I know all the neocons & Obama haters will call this Judge a racist for what he did. I disagree, anyone who a brain knows that an all white or mixed audience will receive something differently than an all black audience. This is one of the reasons politicians give one speech in New York and another in Atlanta. Black people can also speak to each other in a way that whites can't speak to black people like the word *****.

    The Judge may have exercised poor judgement but his actions weren't racist.

  3. Gee I thought we were all humans, the judge obviously shows he only cares about Black people.

  4. I think his heart was in the right place personally, he just went about it in a way that came off wrong. It's not as if he were dismissing the lawyers to mock white people or anything. However i do believe if he were going to dismiss the lawyers he should have dismissed them all in order to avoid this controversy. But overall what he said to the defendants was the right thing to be said and would be taken more seriously coming from black judge then a white one. So they could 'relate' better. He didn't give them any softer a sentence or anything, he just saw a problem and addressed it.

  5. The man was trying to help!

    No good deed goes unpunished I guess!!!!

  6. Oh I'm not in the least bit OK with this!  

    This Judge crossed the line when he did this!  

    I'm OK with the lecture to the defendants, but absolutely not OK with the expulsion of all whites from the court room!  

    That was a racist move on the Judges part.

    This judge needs to reprimanded in some way for his actions and misjudgment.

    But then it is in Georgia!

  7. "The judge said the majority of people who appear before him accused of crimes such as murder, rape and robbery are black and he wanted to do something about it, one on one."

    Yes he should have, he should have bent over.

  8. You know normally I would think that this judge was just racist but if he is it is in a good way.  He is right.  Too many young black men are becoming criminals and maybe just maybe if they get to see a Black man who is judge, who knows where they are coming from just one or two might change their ways.  Sending out all the lawyers was a chancy thing to do and I am glad he will give the same speech in front of them next week.  Frankly it is something all young men and women who have run afoul of the law need to hear.

  9. Black on Black crime is extremely high, and I'm sure as he stated he's tired of seeing so many black men come through the revolving door in his court room.

    He made a good point when he said his thoughts on addressing the issue with no one around but Black people.

    I'm white if that even matters, maybe something he said made a difference.

  10. Yes, I think the judge erred, but he did it for a good reason, not a racist one. He also stated that next time, he would include everyone. Enough said. Judge, you are a decent man, and you are trying to make a difference.

  11. I don't know why the whites had to leave it is no secret the blacks make up 15% of the population but commit 85% of the crimes in the US.  I am okay with it.

  12. He explained himself well enough. He siad next time he makes the speeech he wont ask anyone to leave.

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