
Judge this situation, who is most wrong?

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Woman has an affair; man beats her; she leaves. Who is the most wrong?




  1. ok, maybe she was wrong for having an affair, but i dont care what she did, nothing deserves to get beat.

    i dont blame her for leaving, and i would hope that she doesnt go back!

    no one deserves to live like that!

  2. Woman should not have a fair no matter what

    Man should not hit woman for any reason

    Both wrong equally

    should not be together

  3. The woman.

  4. Good LORD. That is the dumbest question I have ever heard in my life. Who is more wrong? How about focusing on the fact that they are BOTH wrong and they BOTH made mistakes. Who give a d**n who was "more wrong?" Come on!! Wow this question is pretty stupid... She shouldnt have had an affair, but he should know that you NEVER put your hands on a woman like that. Thailand? I'm never moving there.

  5. In my opinion both was wrong but there is no excuse for him to beat his wife.Regardless if she cheated he had no right to put his hands on her.

  6. They both are wrong. It's not a matter of who's most wrong. She shouldn't have had an affair on the guy and he definitely shouldn't have beaten her really bad.  

  7. the women, because she cheated and left her husband, all the husband did was beat her, and she deserved

  8. Both.  She broke her vows and he broke the law.  He should have just left the woman, knowing that she was not good enough for him.  He should never have hit her.  He lowered himself to her level, and lost respect in the eyes of many people.  She should have just left if she was unhappy in the marriage.  She cheated and lost the respect of many people including her self respect.

  9. Sounds to me like both of you have issues. Too little information to be acurate.

  10. Maybe she had an affair cause he beats her? Maybe she was finding solace in another man? I don't know theres not enough info. But both are in the wrong.  

  11. wait does the man start beating her AFTER she had an affair?

    or was this happening before.

    regardless though no man should EVER lay a finger on his wife.

    but at the same time no woman should cheat on husband....

    honestly both are in the wrong and they should just divorce.

    but if these were seperate scenarios id say beatings is always worse.

  12. Both are responsible for all of this,. She should not have had the affair and he certainly had no right to put his hands on her. I live in the United States and if any man, whether it be a husband or boyfriend puts his hands on a woman , he will spend time in jail...It's sad ..but being unfaithful is not against the law and if it was...he would be broken everyday...Beating something is against the law and they can do very serious time for it.

  13. The women. Enough said.

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