
Judging by her ultrasound picture, how far along would you say she is?(this link works!!)?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike***e.jpg

By the way, this is NOT me.

And while we're on the subject, rate her :)




  1. I will have to make a few assumptions here, but, I will assume this is your first prenatal visit. The fact that they did an ultrasound and decided to make a print of it lets me know that they did this for a reason and not for pleasure. It's a nuchal translucency check. This is typically done at the 14 week point, but it can also be done sooner. I'm going to take a educated guess that your between 10 and 14 weeks.

    FYI, to protect the identity of this person, I would suggest cropping the top portion of the ultrasound. I'm sure this is not your ultrasound (hence the name w***e.jpg), and thus your releasing someone's medical records without their permission.

  2. what the heck do you mean rate her?? and considering the fact that you already stated this isn't you.... you look a little creepy on here with an ultrasound pic of someone else, under the name w***e. psycho. find a new hobby

  3. I'm not sure, but you really should cross her personal information out.

  4. why on earth is the file name w***e??????

  5. maybe 9 more than 14....

  6. I would say about 8 weeks.

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