
Judging by my poem, how old do you think I am

by  |  earlier

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In the darkness, I am not alone.

They come and go, the gifted.

Sweep eyes upon me surreptitiously.

Perforating glances detected by my soul.

All look upon the man that cannot see.

My ears grant me ample awareness.

Play substitute to my dead, abyssal, eyes.

Inform me of all void images,

Tease me of my bleak outlook of beauty.

So do I long to see the instruments of sound,

The matter of which all can be identified.

All words, shrouded in darkness,

Unicoloured blackness engulfs all objects.

Obscure images thrive in my deluded mind.

Random paint coats sound devoured by my ear.

In death, the heavens will sedate my tortured soul,

For angels have not tainted eyes.

The gifted often endeavor to escape the darkness.

In it, they are blind.

It renders them vulnerable, isolates them to the unknown.

In the darkness, I am not alone.

If you really like it give it a star,

Thanks in advance




  1. That was really good!  I liked it alot.  I think your about that close???

  2. I really don't know, because I write a lot of poetry and it's has nothing to do with you age. Surprisingly it's hard to figure out the age of the writer. But if I had to say, I would say you're at least 17. Either way, it was a good poem.

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