
Judging by this can I be a model?

by  |  earlier

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  1. the grammer in this question in horrible...but anyway, the answer is maybe. You have a very pretty face but it depends on your height and weight. To be a runway model you have to be at least 5'9" and very slender (probably around 110 lbs)

    but anyway, yes I think you have the face for it :)

  2. "do can I be a model?"

    No you do can't.  

    Are you six feet tall?

  3. maybe...I LOVE your hair! It is SO pretty! :)

  4. If you really want to be a model, don't listen to any negativity and just do what you need to do to be one. It's true, modeling does have little to do with being pretty; you have to have a lot of confidence and need to be able to strike creative, striking poses.

  5. No!!!! LOL! You need to worry about your grammar..

  6. Are you 5ft. 7 in or taller?

    Symmetrical face? (doesn't look symmetrical)

    Great personality? (nope mam)

    Smart? ( judging by the question grammer no)

    clear complexion? you have loads of freckles!

    Uses make-up wisely? nope sorry

    Can handle criticism? probably not

    Has something unique in face structure? Nope Sorry


    not model material


  7. i think youre really pretty. you kinda look like the red head twins on ANTM. but you should try for the modeling where you smile and look natural instead of the straight face kind. good luck!

  8. No.  I don't think so.  You are too average looking.  Your nose is too big, your freckles are distracting, you don't really have a nice makeup look.  You also don't really look like you can pose so well.  Maybe you could model for a clothes catalog, like for Macys or Walmart, but I don't think you could go very far.

  9. How tall are you? If you are 5'8 or above, yes... but take off all of the makeup. If you go into an agency with all of that on they'll tell you to go wash your face in the bathroom. You don't have to look like every other model. You have a unique face, which is important. Good luck.

  10. no.

  11. Umm..Well no. It looks like you were trying to look s**y, but it didn't turn out as planned. And your shirt was way to small, so you shld try to where clothes that fit better. And you may want to lose some weight, but you are very pretty, but you were just trying to hard

  12. Erm, maybe you should consider something else. Is there not anything else you want to do?

  13. no sorry

  14. it all doesnt depend on what you look like, it depends on how you act and how well you can take pictures.

  15. no

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