
Judo - getting thrown?

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i started judo tonight and got my butt thrown by one guy going hardcore. i started gettin' a bad headache from it too, and I don't want to have that from here on. is this what itll be like? I'm 50% thinking I'm going to pursue studying Judo and 50% BJJ, so i was wondering if anyone could tell me their experiences and whether ot not judo is going to give headaches




  1. If it was you're first night, no one should be throwing you at all let alone "hardcore"

    Where was the teacher?

    My sensei doesn't let anyone throw new students at all for the first couple weeks, until they learn to fall, and even then it's only with control, and it's even longer before they are allowed into randori

    Once you learn how to fall correctly, it shouldn't hurt at all

    Every once in a while you might take a weird throw that might stay with you a bit, but that sort of thing is true for any physical activity

    Your experience was not typical of judo in general, I believe, but it may be typical for the club you trained at

    I would say find yourself another club, and remember this experience when the tables are turned and you're the one tossing around the novice

    As for BJJ, I trained that for a bit too, liked it a lot, and would encourage you to study it if it interests you, but I have gotten hurt during training; one day one of my partners, decided to go "hardcore" and slapped an armbar on me; I was tapping before he even hit the ground, but I still couldn't use my arm for a couple days (it was my second class)

    I've found the danger in martial arts is less about the art, and more about having respect for one's training partners; if your training partners don't seem to care about your safety, walk

  2. congrads on your decision to join. Judo is great but if the same guy is partnered with you again he sounds like one of those peckerwoods that picks on the new guys. Tell your teacher you would rather not be paired with him because he has no self control. If the teacher has a problem with this then he very well may be the reason the guy has no control over his problem.good teachers produce good students. I took BJJ and even competed in the US Nationals in Nashville,TN. I lost by 2 points. I studied under a good teacher and if the guy I partnered with didn't tap I had to just let him up. The teacher got mad as h**l if you hurt someone. He said it's not about winning in here it's about learning. You win a turnament but you train to win in this class so if the guy don't tap let him up and tell him to tap next time he is in trouble. tell your teacher you expect to take injuries, not abuse, after all are you not paying to learn?

  3. I took a little bit of judo and the first thing you have to do is learn to land correctly.  After that, when you realize you are being thrown, your body will move easily into a position where it will not hurt.  You will have head aches because you are not used to it yet.  learn to fall correctly then the pain will go away.

  4. find another school--it takes about two months of "falls" before you are ready for throws.
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