
Judo prices?

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What is the general cost to take judo classes? And maybe compared to BJJ - more expensive, cheaper, etc? Just any information regarding the prices..thanks




  1. Same as TKE's answer maybe close to $120.00 for Judo  per month here in Cincinnati area.  Brazilian stuff I have no clue about a school location around here or the cost of such a school in this area.  Japanese arts are the best on the planet.  Let's not foget that it was "Kimura", a judo practitioner, who broke Gracie's, the BJJ founder's,  arm with the Ude garami technique ( now named after Kimura ) so BJJ my a double s. Even if Judo costs more I'd take it.  I have one name for BJJ practitioners...."Masahiko Kimura"

  2. i have no idea

  3. dont let price decide for you.  Thats not the way you want to look back on it.

    but judo is more rare, bjj is booming due to Ultimate fighting on TV

    supply and demand puts bjj at a bargain.  unless your looking for top notch schooling.

  4. If you go to college I took Judo as an elective and learned a ton. The fight academy that I was looking into was about $100 a month. They are fairly pricey
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